About the Author

Business executive, Certified Public Accountant (CPA), former school board Trustee, and three-time elected public official of one of the largest Independent School Districts in Texas. Brad is a member of both the 10-2-4 Dr Pepper Collectors Club and Antique Advertising Association of America (AAAA) and Dr Pepper Memorabilia hobbyist for the last 15 years. In this book, Brad has delivered a unique take on the traditional (and all too often boring) collector's investment guide. This compilation is intended to stimulate, entertain, and provide helpful information, not just to turn a dollar on some antique advertising artwork but to be an endeavor that an everyday Dr Pepper lover can enjoy without ever investing in soda memorabilia. This book aims to be interactive in nature, inspiring readers to try new “Pepper” cooking recipes, travel to never considered destinations, and expand their Pepper love and knowledge along the way. So, swashbuckle up and get ready to put on some Dr Pepper mojo as we venture out to abscond some treasures.